
Revolutionizing the Pharmaceutical Landscape

Revolutionizing the Pharmaceutical Landscape

Revolutionizing the Pharmaceutical Landscape: The Rise of Franchise Entrepreneurship in Pharma
By Kevin Vora, Marketing and Business Development

In the ever-evolving realm of pharmaceuticals, innovation isn’t just about groundbreaking drugs;

The Galt Sales Process: An Inch Wide and A Mile Deep

The Galt Sales Process: An Inch Wide and A Mile Deep

The Galt Sales Process: An Inch Wide and A Mile DeepBy Landry Roberts, Galt Pharmaceuticals’ Director of Sales In 1889, humorist Edgar Nye coined the phrase “a mile wide and an inch deep.” He was talking about a water source found in Nebraska called the Platte River....

Breaking the Mold: The Traditional Pharmaceutical Sales Landscape

Breaking the Mold: The Traditional Pharmaceutical Sales Landscape

By Kevin Vora, RPh., MBA, Marketing and Business Development at Galt Phranchise Systems LLC & Galt Pharmaceuticals Traditionally, pharmaceutical sales representatives have operated within a well-established framework. They’ve played a crucial role in educating,...

What I learned from Ted Lasso!

What I learned from Ted Lasso!

So I am sure everyone knows #TedLasso. A very popular Apple TV show that seems to be more than just a TV show, as it teaches a lot of valuable lessons on various aspects of our personal and professional lives. Here is what I have learned from the show:...

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